Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Comparison of Indian Roads with rest of the world

Comparison of Indian Roads with
rest of the world

Under the Road Safety Activity Programme of MAPS, which aims at inculcating the safety measures in the students while on the road, an activity of comparative study between the roads of India and other countries was held in class 5. In this activity students made slogans depicting the comparison and differences between the roads of other countries and that of India. Students also came up with the idea of what improvement can be made in the Indian roads to ensure the safety of the travelers.

Collage on Scientific Improvements in Road Safety

Collage on Scientific Improvements in Road Safety

The road safety program of MAPS aims at inculcating safety measures in the students while on the road. In this activity, students made collage depicting the scientific improvement in road safety such as seat belts, air bags, protective clothing, florescent materials. Students also came up with the idea of what improvement can be made in the Indian Roads to ensure safety of the travelers.

Seminar on Road Safety

Seminar on Road Safety

The school students attended a seminar on ‘Road Safety’ on 13th January, 2020’. The session was taken by Mr. Nitin Gadkari who sensitized all about the need to follow the Road Safety rules for one’s own well-being. The school students participated in the quiz held and won prizes for their splendid knowledge about safety rules. The session was truly an inspiring one as it guided on how to spread awareness about safety rules and make everyone a worthy and responsible citizen of the nation.